According to the American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC), the primary role of the legal nurse consultant (LNC) is to evaluate, analyze, and render informed opinions on the delivery of health care and the resulting outcomes. LNCs act as collaborators and strategists. We offer you support throughout the litigation process helping you sort through the medical issues in a variety of practice areas, including:
- Personal injury
- Product liability
- Medical malpractice
- Workers’ compensation
- Toxic torts
- Criminal law
- Elder law
The education and experience of the LNC distinguishes them from paralegals and legal assistance and provides the foundation for the LNCs ability to recognize, interpret, and analyze all relevant medically-related information in a case or claim. Our experience allows us to more easily place the medical facts in their proper context.
We stand behind our work. Before beginning any work for an attorney, we will meet and have a conversation, either in person, by phone, or via video conference. We will walk away knowing exactly what you want and what your budget is. We stay in contact with you throughout the process to answer ongoing questions that may arise and keep you apprised of our progress. We will not go over budget without your express authorization. If you are not entirely satisfied with our work product, please notify us within 10 days and we will refine the work until you are satisfied.
Some things that may increase the time needed to review records include:
- Poor or illegible copies
- Records copied on both sides of paper.
- Out of sequence records
- Disorganized records.
- Records generated from electronic medical record systems.
During our meeting we will provide you with a fee schedule and negotiate a package that meets your budget needs if at all possible. Most charges are billed hourly in 15-minute increments. Some services are negotiated at a flat rate. We ask you to pay a refundable retainer. Our invoices are due upon receipt. We provide an initial consultation on new cases at no charge.
We do not testify as experts but do provide expert fact witness testimony. Our work is mostly “behind-the-scenes”. Many LNCs do exclusively expert witness work. If you need an expert, we can tap into our extensive list of contacts and collaborators to find an expert to meet your needs.